[Presentation] Incorporando instrucciones a RISC-V
Presentation, X Semana de la Informática de la FDI. UCM, Madrid (Spain)
I gave a seminar in Spanish on adding instrucciones to the RISC-V ISA as part of the X Semana de la Informática 2024.
Presentation, X Semana de la Informática de la FDI. UCM, Madrid (Spain)
I gave a seminar in Spanish on adding instrucciones to the RISC-V ISA as part of the X Semana de la Informática 2024.
Presentation, XXIII Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación. UCM, Madrid (Spain)
I gave a seminar in Spanish on the revolution of open hardware as part of the XXIII Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación.
Presentation, RISC-V Summit Europe 2023, Barcelona (Spain)
I gave a technical talk on “PERCIVAL: Integrating Posit and Quire Arithmetic into the RISC-V Ecosystem” at the RISC-V Summit Europe 2023. This event followed a single-track format and had over 500 attendees. Only <20% of the proposals were accepted for presentation.
Interview, The Tower YouTube, Online
I was interviewed on The Tower YouTube channel by Antonio Flores and we talked about posit arithmetic, the PERCIVAL posit RISC-V core and the impact they could have in the future.
Presentation, ARITH 2022, Online
I presented the “PERCIVAL: Open-Source Posit RISC-V Core with Quire Capability” paper at the 29th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2022).